Sunday, April 13, 2008


We went down to Dallas, Texas to visit my friend Jody, and all of the Brown Family.  Parker and Kenzie played really well together. Parker made her into "Sticker Girl",  and even helped her put on make up before jumping on the trampoline. He even got to ride a bull, or at least a statue of a bull in the mall parking lot. We also went to the Dallas World Aquarium, but however I forgot our camera. We missed "S" week at school, so at the aquarium we focused on finding things that started with that letter. We found:  sting rays, sloths, sharks, and snakes.  We also did some shopping, although he didn't like the fact that it started with "s".


Robot Man

Parker has been on a robot kick lately, he awoke from a nap with this idea in his head. The coffee filter acts as a cap, and parchment paper is the "control centre". his drawings are very detailed, and has come up with an idea for a robot that even cleans the house, and one that even makes messes (in which he has blamed a few messes on lately).


Yes, Parker got another webkin... this time it was a bull dog which was cleverly named Bull Dog.